Carrot cake

It’s been far too long since I paid WordPress any attention. Things have been quite full on since January, which is when I found out that I had a new job! So fast forward a month or two and I here I am, a brand new employee, getting to grips with a new company. I can tell you it’s quite exciting and my head is spinning from 4 weeks of onboarding. Not to mention using a Mac (I don’t care what people say, they are not intuitive).

Carrot cake Continue reading

Remembering the Swedish summer: Nora

I’m all alone. Everyone has abandoned me this bank holiday weekend. The Italian went off to Italy, Miss E is living the good life in the south of France, Eli sped up to the Lake District in an R8 and there are countless others who are now enjoying life outside London.

Actually, it’s not that bad. The sun’s shining and I’m meeting the Lovely Laura later today. Since I wasn’t clever enough to book a holiday for this 3-day weekend, I’ll have to reminisce the holiday I already had this year in Sweden.

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V is in town, my best friend and confidante. We walked along the river last night, minutes after she’d arrived on the train, and talked about all those things you need to get off your chest, but don’t want to talk about on Facebook. How do you like this sunset at 10 o’ clock?

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