Back to basics: the cinnamon bun

I haven’t been baking in a while, but since I brought some specialties back from home, it seemed like a good idea to make some cinnamon buns yesterday. The specialties in question are pearl sugar and ground cardamom. Virtually impossible to get a hold of, ground cardamom can actually be found in Indian or Asian shops, but pearl sugar I have never seen on the supermarket shelves. And they’re sort of the icing on the cake, as you can see from the photo below.

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Hot cross buns for a happy Easter

This blog is proving to be quite a confessional forum for me. I’ve shared that I’ve never made pancakes before, that I’m not a pub fan and now, I have yet another revelation: I’ve never eaten hot cross buns. In England hot cross buns are very common, emerging en masse on the supermarket shelves around January, indicating that Easter is “around the corner”.

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